Persons holding a Bachelor's degree in sociology are frequently employed in the helping professions, in business, and various public sector positions, especially those dealing with social programs and their implementation. Usually, they are not employed in jobs with the title "sociologist," since that title requires graduate training.

Employment opportunities for those with Bachelor's degrees in sociology include entry-level positions in the following areas: administration, advertising, banking, counseling (family planning, career, substance abuse, and so forth), community planning, health services, journalism, group and recreation work, marketing and market research, sales, teaching (if certified), human resources/personnel work, social services, and social research.

Here's what some of our graduates are currently doing with their Sociology degree.

Real careers in Sociology (1999)

Researcher, Missouri House of Representatives
Ph.D. Sociology; MPA Public Administration

Account Manager, Recruiter, Proctor & Gamble
B.A. Sociology

LLB, B.A. Sociology

Staff Assistant to U.S. Congressperson
B.A. Sociology

Research Coordinator, National Labor Union
B.A. Sociology

Social Worker
B.A. Sociology

Corrections Officer
B.A. Sociology

Customer Services, Drug Company
B.A. Sociology

Patient Education Counselor, Hospital
B.A. Sociology

Sales Representative, Drug Company
B.A. Sociology

Community Resource Assistant, AMERICORPS
B.A. Sociology

Air Force Officer
B.A. Sociology

Peace Corps
B.A. Sociology

Research Analyst
B.A., M.A. Sociology

U.S. Veterans Administration Human Resource Manager
B.A.(History), M.A.(History), Ph.D. Sociology

Internal Revenue Service Data Coordinator, Children’s Hospital
B.A. Sociology

Budget Analyst, MO Office of Administration
B.A., M.A. Sociology

Researcher in Juvenile Justice System
B.A. Sociology

Police Officer
B.A. Sociology

Regional Director, Habitat for Humanity
B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Sociology

State Department of Aging & Adult Services
B.A., M.A. Sociology

Senior Program Evaluator Private Research Consulting Firm
B.A., M.A., Ph.D. in Sociology

B.A. Sociology, M.A. English Ed., LLB

B.A. & M.A. Education, Ph.D. Sociology

Teacher, Teach for America
B.A. Sociology

Computer Entrepreneur, Internet Provider
B.A. Sociology

Reporter for Columbia Daily Tribune
B.A. Sociology/B.J. Journalism

Research Analyst MO Office of Injury Control
B.A. Sociology

Research Analyst, Minority Health Project
B.A., M.A. Sociology

Intern, Council of Independent Colleges
B.A. Sociology

High School Teacher of Social History
B.A. Sociology, plus teacher certification